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Avast Internet Security 5 With Lisenci

Avast Internet Security 5 With Lisenci File Valid 16 -4-2013 And Avast Pro With Lisenci File Valid Untill 30-8-2012

today there is one friend request Avast, Avast itself has three different versions, namely version free, pro and internet security, but in this post I will discuss the pros and internet security only, for a free download directly to my friend on the official website, for the Pro version I have provided a file that can be active Lisenci dsampai with the date August 30, 2012, and to Avast Internet security also has a License file that can be active up to the date-April 16 - 2013 ... qita Let's go to the scene ...


for how to use the file Lisenci,
1. Avast Pro installed, at the beginning of instalisasi buddy will immediately ask for the option lisenci,
2. Suply A lisenci select your file, then brows, looking for where my friend lisenci save the file,
3. thereafter proceed to complete the install process ...
4.lihat activation status, Done.
5. if not active, then insert the lisenci file in the same manner by entering the file lisenci Avast Internet Security ...
might well enough until the early first, for a friend request or yan has bloggers who want it, please just download the link below ....

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